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Hard Park: Gravel4Graham

South Park, Colorado is an area most people drive through to reach ritzy ski resorts and other mountain destinations. It's the size of Delaware, yet only has a few paved roads (the 2-lane highways intersecting it). And while I don't have official numbers, I'm fairly certain bison outnumber human residents. It also happens to be a awesome place to ride a gravel bike!

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Beta Alanine & Beta Red

We spent more than 18 months developing Beta Red. Our goal, as always, was to develop nutrition to help you perform better and reach your goals. This week, we're exploring the three key amino acids present in Beta Red that help improve athletic performance. The three amino acids we'll focus on are Beta Alanine, Citrulline Malate, and Betaine. In this first segment, we'll cover Beta Alanine.

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How Citrulline Malate, One of Beta Red's Key Amino Acids, Improves Performance and Recovery

We began development of Beta Red Pre-Workout Formula with deep, exhaustive research to determine which ingredients would have the most potent effects on improving performance. Over 18 months were spent testing countless ingredients and almost as many prototype formulas to develop the best pre-workout product possible for endurance athletes. Citruline Malate is one ingredient that stood out and earned its spot in Beta Red.

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A New Take on an Old Favorite: Beta Red Orange Brownies

The original Beta Red Brownie Recipe we shared a few years ago was an instant favorite, but we've recently discovered using Beta Red Orange makes them taste even better. (Don't ask why it took us so long to figure this out!) These tasty treats are ideal during long, hard training days where caloric density is your friend. They are also something I crave after glycogen-depleting workouts since they provide ample glucose and help speed recovery through increased oxygen saturation. Due to their sugar content, we recommend consuming these peri-workout (meaning just before, during, or after training or racing). Thanks to Katie Compton for the original recipe. All we did was substitute Beta Red Orange for Beta Red Original. This makes 9...

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