There’s been a recent resurgence in women’s mountain bike racing and Erin Osborne is part of the new wave of talented elite female XC racers. We're excited to announce Enduro Bites is now her official nutrition sponsor.
Thanks for taking the time to tell our followers a little about yourself, Erin.
How long have you been racing bikes?
I started racing in my late 20s, but I was a full time math teacher and tutored on the side so training at a high level and traveling to the big races wasn’t really an option. In 2022 I decided to make tutoring my full time job, and that allowed me to take my training to a whole new level in 2023. I made it my “year of yes” and said yes to as many opportunities as possible. To be honest, I never thought I would be where I am today and am grateful to be preparing for another exciting season!
What accomplishments are you most proud of at this point in your cycling career?
I am most proud of my Iceman result this year. It was the first race I went in knowing I had a chance to win it. I ended up getting second, but I raced with confidence and pushed my limits like never before. There was one point in the last quarter mile I thought “I am done, my legs can’t go any more,” but they did and I finished strong!
What are your goals for 2024?
My biggest goal for 2024 is to approach every race with confidence. I want to start every race knowing and feeling I have a chance to win it. If I’ve learned anything during the 2023 season, it’s that the mental game is just as important as the physical.
Do you follow any particular nutritional strategy to fuel your training and racing?
During training rides I love to eat real food like Enduro Bites. My favorite flavor is the cinnamon blueberry, I love how it just melts in my mouth! While racing, I aim to eat 45-60 carbs an hour. I like to get my carbs through food as opposed to drinking them. For shorter races, I typically stick to gels and more solid food, like bars, for the longer races.
What do you like to do when you’re not on the bike?
I love to read! Give me a good thriller and I won’t be able to put it down.
Your Instagram profile (@eposborne) says you’re the owner of Tandem Tutoring. What can you tell us about this venture?
As we all know in 2020 everything came to a stretching halt. Teachers were forced to teach online and kids were expected to learn. As a result, many students fell behind, especially in math. So I started tutoring on the side to help bring students back up to speed. I loved it so much that I decided to make it my full time job. My goal with students and athletes alike is to help them learn how to persevere through all the ups and downs of life and embrace the journey of learning.

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