Fresh, Small-Batch Nutrition for Better Health & Performance

Enduro Bites Ambassador Application

Our philosophy:

We don’t just want products that taste better—without the candy bar-like ingredients, additives, and refined sugar—but products that actually allow us to perform better. Each ingredient is carefully chosen for a specific purpose and combined into a great-tasting, bite-sized food that’s easy to digest.

We are picky about what we put in our bodies and how we train. We want to be the healthiest and fastest version of ourselves, and we make and consume the best fuel possible to help attain this. The ambassadors we're looking for are people who share this mindset.

We need individuals who:

  • Are already familiar with our products and appreciate their benefits (don't apply if you're simply looking to check off the nutrition sponsor box)
  • Reach other endurance athletes on a DAILY basis
  • Communicate effectively the benefits of our products without sounding like an advertisement
  • Capture high-quality images (or have a training buddy who does)
  • Live a healthy lifestyle

In exchange for the following, you will receive a monthly supply of Beta Red and Enduro Bites:

* Five new customer referrals to our site using your personal discount code. Our primary objective is for influencers to introduce our products to new people.

* Two visits per month to deliver samples to potential retail stores (bike/running/triathlon shops, coffee shops, natural food stores).

* Regular social media posts (some images of you using our products and some sharing our content). Being tagged on other images is nice, but this don't have much impact alone.

* Have a significant social media following (1000 minimum).

* Submit monthly content (this can be in written form or high quality images with usage rights). We'll work with you on direction.

* No other sports-nutrition sponsors / partners (we are always developing new products so there are too many potential conflicts).

Fill out my online form.