Fresh, Small-Batch Nutrition for Better Health & Performance

Quick Tips for Improving Cyclocross Performance

by Brian Maslach

Fernando Riveras

Summer is officially over and cyclocross season is here. Whether you’re a competitive cross racer or are dabbling in it for cross-training fun, these quick and easy tips featuring Beta Red Pre-Workout Formula will allow you to perform better.

Masters Cyclocross Champion Rebecca Gross recommends creating a pre-race schedule since there are often only small blocks of time you can get practice laps on the course between the other races. This also reduces pre-race jitters since you'll be less stressed about getting everything done before your race. 
    “I write in everything from waking up to eating breakfast to driving and changing clothes,” she says. “One of the things I also write in to my schedule is 2 to 3 hours before my race I drink a bottle of Beta Red! I get that tingly feeling from it right as I’m getting on the trainer for my warm up. Just like having the legs start burning from the embro or having that warm fuzzy feeling of switching to dry socks for the race start when the weather is cold it helps me to know my routine is dialed."
      Rebecca Gross and Beta Red
      Cyclocross races are relatively short so starts and track position are crucial to placing high. Because of this, cyclocross starts are typically faster than in mountain biking, road racing, or criteriums. To help you withstand blistering sprints from the starting line, I recommend drinking 1 serving of Beta Red 2 hours before your race, followed by another serving approximately 30 minutes before lining up. If you'll be racing more than once per week, drink 1 serving per day throughout the week as a maintenance dose to help maintain blood nitrate and carnosine levels.
        I include my maintenance dose in my daily breakfast smoothie. The new Beta Red Orange flavor goes great with banana, peaches, and strawberries. Check out my recent recipe here. I'll often have something similar before racing and race-intensity workouts since I can push harder without solid food in me. 
          Another benefit of using Beta Red before cyclocross is that it’s easy to travel with (because it’s a powdered drink mix), allowing you to have a consistent pre-race routine no matter where in the country or world you land. 

                  What tips do you have for cyclocross? Give us a shout at (Note: we also love seeing cool cyclocross photos, so send us those too!).

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