I need to kick this blog off by saying how stoked I am to be an Enduro Bites athlete. Quality race and training food is crucial for any endurance athlete as we are out there pushing the limits far from the local grocery store and our kitchens. As soon as I tried Enduro Bites I was hooked, probably because two of my biggest weaknesses are coffee and dark chocolate. I was naturally going to love them. They taste amazing, are easy to stomach, and provide some serious lasting energy. When you've had as many refined-sugar laden 'energy' foods as me, you really appreciate a product that doesn't send your blood sugar bouncing around like a pinball.
The way our race season is structured these days, January is a time to resume serious training. Before jumping into my training program, my wife, Sammi, and I took a short Christmas vacation in Mexico to unwind after a busy fall. It was an awesome trip and we walked many miles on the beach. Since we aren’t much for laying out and tanning, we spent a few days visiting Mayan ruins and exploring cenotes (caves filled with fresh water that you can snorkel in). It was an amazing trip, but now it’s time to get back to business.
I’ve since done a little riding in the snow around Salt Lake, have taken a trip to St. George for a nice dose of winter dirt and rock, and even hit the skis closer to home for a day tour. The snow has been sparse here in Utah and our usually-awesome ski conditions are less than desirable. It's a bummer, but I’ll take advantage of being able to ride my bike whenever I can. As all too often happens, we'll probably get lots of snow in March right when the cross country season kicks off in California.
Whatever happens, there's lots of work to be done before then!

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